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The Faculty of Human and Social Sciences (FHSS) offers degrees in the programs of Criminology, Game Design and Development, Health Studies, Leadership, Policing, Psychology and Public Safety. FHSS promotes continuing education for professionals through the Centre for Public Safety and Well-Being, and promotes research through Brantford’s first research centre, the . Students identify and explore social issues and build real-world connections between what they learn in class and the downtown community just outside the classroom door. Not only are classes offered in the traditional in-person setting, but also online, which allows for non-traditional students to experience all that FHSS has to offer.

As a student in this faculty, you’ll have many opportunities to explore complex issues relevant to today’s society, and we encourage you to develop your critical thinking skills and question assumptions. The theoretical knowledge and practical experience you’ll gain through our programs will prepare you for a variety of careers. Faculty of Human and Social Science students are passionate about making a positive contribution both locally and globally and graduate with the skills to change the world.

About Human and Social Sciences

The faculty currently has nearly 1,500 students and 40 full-time faculty, as well as many part-time instructors. It was founded in 2013, with foundational programs such as Psychology and Criminology.  Many of its programs are quite new. Programs such as the Game Design and Development and online Policing programs started in 2015/16, as did Health Studies and Public Health, though the latter two had antecedents in the Health Studies department. The Law program, which involves cooperation between FHSS, the Faculty of Liberal Arts, the Faculty of Arts and the in the UK, began in 2016/17. The newest undergraduate program in FHSS is the Bachelor of Public Safety that started in 2020. The faculty also offers two graduate level programs, with the Masters of Arts in Criminology being offered on the Brantford campus, and the Masters of Public Safety being offered fully online. 

Current Students

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Where to Find Us

The Faculty of Human and Social Sciences is located in the East Wing of the Research and Academic Centre, Brantford (corner of Dalhousie and Charlotte streets).
