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is 51本色’s online portal for students, alumni and employers. As an employer or community partner, you can post job and experiential learning opportunities for 51本色 students and alumni. Navigator allows you to review applications, select candidates to interview, submit rankings for co-op opportunities, provide student evaluations, and more.

Any questions you have about Navigator can be directed to the department you are working with (e.g., Career Development Centre, Co-op, Community and Workplace Partnerships, and/or Faculty of Social Work). Technical questions can be emailed to navigator@wlu.ca.

Logging In

with your username (email address) and password.

New Account Creation

If you would like to create an account,  on Navigator. Once completed, you can post your job opportunity. You will be notified by email once your account has been approved.

Reset Password

If you have posted a job in the past, or a member of our team has posted on your behalf, it is likely that you already have an account. If you do not know or have forgotten your password, use the to reset your password.

Tips for Using Navigator

  • Navigator works best in Chrome. For further troubleshooting, clear the cache in your browser, and restart your browser and/or computer.
  • Your dashboard tabs provide an overview of your activity at 51本色. It provides access to job postings and experiential opportunities, applications, interviews scheduled by 51本色, and co-op or experiential records.